Saturday, May 28, 2016

Understanding MARC21 Bibliographic Records

Excellent introduction webinar online about MARC 21 bibliographic records.  MARC stands for MAchine Readable Cataloging, a communication standard and framework for catalog records.  Below are links to the online webinars I've had the chance to view.  In addition, the presenter has uploaded assignments and resources at the following link: click here.  As I work my way through the sessions, I'll update this post. 

Understanding MARC21 Bibliographic Records
Session 1: click here

I'm very detail oriented and have a sincere interest understanding the background of how things work.  MARC is a sort of coding system that I learned was originally created for automated printing of card cataloging in 1966 and was started by the Library of Congress' Henriette Avram.  This video provides a great overview of the MARC21 system. Great introduction by emily Dust Nimskont of the Nebraska Library Commission.  Provides the following resources:

MARC Standards Library of Congress

Bibliographic Formats and Standards OCLC

SLC Catalouging Cheat Sheets

Understanding MARC LOC

Understanding MARC21 Bibliographic Records
Session 2: click here

Follow up to Session 1, and a step into understanding the common parts of a MARC record, starting with the 2XX fields.  Notes the importance of the AACR2, the cataloging rules and why the code is written the way it is (sets the standards.  I learned the $ means subfield and I figured not to confuse with the letter S in developing code.  Also discusses the use of indicators with reference to the assignments for the following week.  I'm having difficulty accessing the Word documents, however there is a preview mode available that allowed me to view the content and copy.

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