Sunday, September 24, 2023

Every Child a Library Member #ECALM

"New Drive to make 'every child' a library card holder"
by Helen McArdle of The Herald

This headline caught my attention. Here are a few notes from the article which you can read at the following link: click here Just thinking of the kinds of campaigns that keep libraries alive and that help others understand their value. While I don't travel much, one day if I do, if I get the chance to do, it will be to see the libraries of the world.

"Pamela Tulloch, chief executive of the Scottish Library & Information Council (SLIC), said it is working with health professionals to promote information on the benefits of library membership to parents as early as during antenatal care."

First time I ever think of the collaboration that can exist between libraries and community health programs.

"It comes as the SLIC and Scottish Government launch a new drive highlighting how library use from as early an age as possible benefits children's language, literacy and social skills."

"...the best present a parent can give a child is a library card. It opens up a world of possibilities and a lifetime of opportunities." - Pamela Tulloch

"We know that preschool children if they use libraries regularly have improved concentration skills, improved language skills, it develops empathy."

"There are over 500 libraries across Scotland which attracted more than 40 million visitors annually pre-pandemic."

"Libraries are still the most popular service that local government provides."

"Libraries have got their full range of child and family programmes up and running so things like book bug for example is a really good opportunity for young children to meet other young children and learn those social skills and how to mix."

"A key part of the initiative will embed opportunities for library membership at three key stages throughout early childhood: birth registration, nursery, and primary school enrollment."

"It's never too early to introduce a child to the joy of reading, and library use from an early age supports language, literacy and well-being." -Neil Gray

"ECALM is a fantastic initiative which will take children on a learning journey which will last for a lifetime."

The image above is from the VisitScotland website of the National Library of Scotland.

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