Sunday, September 17, 2023

Library Card Sign Up

National Library Card Sign Up Month 2023

This month the El Paso Public Library celebrates National Library Card Sign Up Month. This celebration started in 1987. At the ALA website it states that it started "as a response to then Secretary of Education William Bennett, who stated, "Let's have a campaign...Every child should obtain a library card and use it." Library cards provide access to all kinds of free resources. In El Paso, libraries have been in operation for 150 years, a Sesquicentennial milestone that our library is also celebrating this year. It is one of if not the oldest running library system in the state of Texas. 

This month the El Paso Public Library created a limited edition Lucha Libre library card. Five thousand were created for everyone that's interested in obtaining their first library card, renewing or simply anyone interested in upgrading their card with the new design. With over a dozen branches located throughout the city, there are a number of services that a library card can give you access to. I encourage everyone to visit their neighborhood library and get a library card for you and everyone in your family.

I got mine!


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